sushi hoshikai
스시호시카이는 국내산 쌀, 국내산 배추와 국내산 고추가루를 사용한 배추김치, 제주산 광어, 제주산 참돔, 제주산 고등어, 국내산 장어, 그리고 제주산 흑돈을 사용하며, MSG를 비롯한 일체의 화학조미료를 사용하지 않습니다.
鮨星海は国産米、国産白菜と国産の唐辛子粉で作った白菜キムチと、済州産のヒラメ、 国産の真鯛、済州産のサバ、国産のウナギ、そして済州の黒豚肉を使用しいます。また、 MSGを含め、一切の化学調味料は使用していません。
Sushi Hoshikai 腌制的辣白菜使用的是韩国产大米、白菜及辣椒面。不仅如此,Sushi Hoshikai 以济州产比目鱼、 韩国产真鲷、济州产台鲅鱼、韩国产鳗鱼、及济州黑猪为主要食材,不使用任何化学调料。
Sushi Hoshikai uses local rice, Baechu-kimchi made of local cabbage and dried red pepper powder, flatfish of Jeju-do, red sea-bream of Jeju-do, mackerel of Jeju-do, local eel, and Jeju black pork, and we do not use MSG or any other chemical seasoning.
Phone: 1 800 000 0000
We're open 9pm til late
술 메뉴 / Liquor Menu
Made to quench your thirst.
샴페인 / シャンパーニュ / Champangne
750ml (Alcohol 12.5%)
750ml (Alcohol 12%)
750ml (Alcohol 12.5%)
750ml (Alcohol 12.5%)
일본 청주 / Sake
미요시키쿠 주조, 도쿠시마 720ml (Alcohol 16%) Degree of Milling 40% Miyoshikiku Brewery, Tokushima
미요시키쿠 주조, 도쿠시마 720ml (Alcohol 16%) Degree of Milling 60% Miyoshikiku Brewery, Tokushima
카모츠루 주조, 히로시마` 720ml Degree of Milling 69% (Alcohol 15.5%) Kamotsuru Brewery, Hiroshima
핫카이 주조, 니이가타 720ml Degree of Milling 55% (Alcohol 15.5%) HakkaisanBrewery, Niigata
미요시키쿠 주조, 도쿠시마 500ml Degree of Milling 60% (Alcohol 15.5%) Miyoshikiku Brewery, Tokushima
아사히 주조, 니이가타 720ml Degree of Milling 50% (Alcohol 15.5%) Asahi Brewery, Niigata
데와자쿠라 주조, 야마가타 720ml Degree of Milling 50% (Alcohol 15.8%) Dewa-zakuraBrewery, Yamagata
오무라야 주조, 시즈오카 720ml Degree of Milling 50%이하 (Alcohol 17.5%) Omuraya Brewery, Shizuoka
아사히 주조, 니이가타 720ml Degree of Milling 33% (Alcohol 15.5%)
호칸 주조, 토치기켄 (Alcohol 14.5%) HokanBrewery, Tochigiken
호칸 주조, 토치기켄 (Alcohol 14.5%) HokanBrewery, Tochigiken
호칸 주조, 토치기켄 (Alcohol 14.5%) HokanBrewery, Tochigiken
일본 소주 / Japanese Shochu
닛신 주조, 도쿠시마 720ml (Alcohol 25%) Nissin-Shurui Brewery, Tokushima (Sweet Potato)
게케이칸 주조, 교토 720ml (Alcohol 25%) GaekeykanBrewery, Kyoto
산와 주조, 오이타 720ml (Alcohol 25%) SanwaBrewery, Oita
다까라 주조, 교토 720ml (20%) DakaraBrewery, Kyoto
한국술 / Korean Distilled Wine and Soju
Korean Sweat Wine 700ml 14%
Korean Distilled Rice Wine 500ml 25%
Korean Distilled Rice Wine 500ml 41%
Jeju Traditional Distilled Rice Wine 720ml 35%
Jeju Mild Soju 360ml 18.5%
Jeju Soju 360ml 21%
맥주 / Beer
Brooklyn Brewery, NY 355ml (Alcohol 5.2%)
BrooklynBrewery,NY 355ml (Alcohol 6.8%)
Brooklyn Brewery, NY 355ml (Alcohol 5.6%)
Germany 355ml (Alcohol 5.3%)
Japan 500ml (Alcohol 5%)
Korea 330ml (Alcohol 4.5%)
양주 / Whiskey
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 40%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 43%)
700ml (Alcohol 40%)
700ml (Alcohol 40%)
700ml (Alcohol 40%)
음료 메뉴 / Soft Drinks